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The Premium Supplier of


Exclusive sands locally

Our sands are produced exclusively from screened, uncrushed fines from pure Lower Group (LG) chrome reefs, giving us the best chemical and physical properties for casting sands. Our uncrushed crystals allow for much better performance in nozzle and well filler sands. We sell dried and bagged foundry and refractory sands packed in containers, or loose bulk in containers.

For larger order of foundry sands, we can supply in bulk vessels.

Exclusive Sand

Production of quality products

Sophisticated mining techniques, superior ore bodies, and advanced processing facilities result in the best product for our customers. 

Oreplan Logistics

Shipping and Logistics

We offer a full pit-to-port solution with our local and international logistics networks.

Oreplan has excellent relationships at all levels of the value chain which gives us flexibility and capacity to deliver the products to our customers on time.


Not all metals are equal! Not all melts are the same temperature!

FoundryPLUS gives customers flexibility where absolute grades are not strictly necessary. We understand that not all metals melt at the same temperatures. For lower heat molding requirements, contact us for technical support. 

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